Have a burning question about the resources in The Forge? Need help with your next project? Want to have a one-on-one discussion with our makerspace staff? You can schedule a one-hour appointment in the Forge on select days.
Have a burning question about the resources in The Forge? Need help with your next project? Want to have a one-on-one discussion with our makerspace staff? You can schedule a one-hour appointment in the Forge on select days.
This class features 1-on-1 instruction to design your own custom hand towel! You will learn the basics of our Brother embroidery machine, Brother's built-in software, and the fundamentals of hooping and stabilizers.
Please register each individual
Please register each individual person attending this program. If more than one person is attending, click the "Add Another" button to add additional people.
Program fee
There is an additional fee for this program.
Per the Library's Programming Policy refunds will not be granted for patron cancelations on programs made less than 48 hours prior to the programs.
This month's game is Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger
Teen Game Night
Teens, let's game together! We'll get together once a month for some casual (all right, maybe competitive) game play. Registration is required and a minimum of 4 teens is requested for the program to be held.
Please register each individual
Please register each individual person attending this program. If more than one person is attending, click the "Add Another" button to add additional people.